

Saturday, March 2, 2013


I'm a big boy now

Today was the first day Mason sat at the table with us. I think he really enjoyed it. It was a very messy meal though!

Monday, January 7, 2013

There's an app for that!

So much has happened since I blogged last. Maybe even to much to put into a post. I stopped blogging because it was to hard to did rom our iPad and our computer was to slow. But come to find out there is an app for blogger!!! Who knew!
Blogs here I come!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

29 weeks!

Here we are 29 weeks!! 7 months and 1 week, I can't believe I will be getting to meet my sweet baby boy. I am doing well. Went to the doctor the other day and we are growing right on schedule. Still haven't gained weight, but he is still perfect! Here are some pictures! Enjoy....

Friday, August 5, 2011

27 weeks

Well here we are!! 27 weeks. Only 13 to go. I think it is so hard to believe that its so short a time till I get to meet my baby boy! The weeks have been filled with not much! Actually that is not true, I have been keeping myself busy. And my friends and family have been helping alot! Between girls night with the girls from church, dinner with different family members, to the daily stuff around the house time has gone pretty fast.

I had a doctors appointment about 2 weeks ago and it went really well. It was the appointment where I had to drink the super sweet flat orange soda and wait an hour so they could check my blood sugar. Good news I passed!! I had lost a small amount of weight again, but Mason is growing perfectly and had a really strong heartbeat!! Which is all that matters. And honestly, as long as he is right were he should be, I perfectly ok with not gaining much weight. The less I gain the less I have to loose! And considering I want to try and loose all my weight by the time Travis comes home (all you moms out there, keep all comments to yourself) it would be nice to have a head start!

Every week since Travis has been gone, I take a picture of my ever expanding belly and send it to Travis so he can see how much I have grown! Well, this is my 27 week picture. Yes, I am aware that I am wearing the same cloths as I was in my last belly picture, I did it on purpose. This way Travis can really compare pictures! Some days I feel huge, and some days I feel like I am smaller than most people at this point. What do you think?

As for Travis, I haven't gotten to talk to him much lately, but the last time I did he was doing pretty well. He sounded a bit better than he did when he first got there. He did sprain his ankle again, but said it wasn't bad. We miss him like crazy, but I have already begun the count down! It is not a real one, really, because I don't know when he is coming home for sure, but you all know me, I love to countdown! I am even counting down till Mason's due date!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Catch up

I have posted tons of pictures for you to see. They are almost all from when Travis was home! So I hope you enjoy.

As for Mason, I am 24 weeks pregnant. Which means 6 MONTHS!! Can you believe it? It seems so far along, but yet so far to go! Right now, I am really enjoying being pregnant. Even in the being when I was so sick, I really enjoy this pregnant thing. Especially now when I am feeling him move all the time. While Travis was home he got to feel Mason kick on several occasions. It is so rewarding getting to share that with Travis. And with in the last few days, I have finally noticed my stomach moving! I thought I had seen it out of the corner of my eye, but was never sure. Until one day this past weekend, Travis and I were laying in bed watching tv, when I started feeling Mason move, and looked down at my tummy just in time to see it bulge when he kicked! I know that if you are already a mom you know just how amazing this is. But I just can't describe how wonderful it is!

I love my son so much already, and I love feeling him move! I just can't wait to meet him!

Enjoy the pictures!

4th oh July

Aren't they cute!
He's so handsome, even when I am getting the evil eye
Yummy watermelon!

Can kind of see the baby bump!