Yesterday, was yet another boring day in the Dickson household. Well, actually, the last week or two has been pretty uneventful. Yesterday me and Travis went to get his hair cut and then we came home. And not to long after that he left to go do his Swim
Quals for the Marine Corp. Apparently
in order for them to go fight in the sand they have to know how to swim.
Weird when you think about it, but who am I to questions the Marines! Travis did really well. They only had to get to level 2, but he went further and got to level 1. (Sounds backwards, but I swear it's right!) It took them 8 hours to get all 60 something of them done, because apparently a couple of guys couldn't swim very well. So when he got home at 10 o'clock last night he was tired, sore, and starving. So we had to take a late night run to Taco Bell. Not long after we got home and he had eaten he feel asleep and slept until almost 10 this morning.
There was one thing that was sort of funny to see this morning. It was time to clean the dogs ears. I had never done it before, but the vet said it was time. So we decided to tackle it. Tucker feel asleep in my lap so I thought it would be the perfect time to try. Well as soon as Travis brought me the stuff he knew what was coming. But I thought I could do it on my own. Well I got the liquid in his ear and he went CRAZY!! He was running around trying to get out. I couldn't get him to stand still, so I had to call in Travis. He finally got Tucker to lay down, but he had to hold him down so I could clean the ears. It took us for ever because he wouldn't sit still. We finally got his cleaned, gave him a treat, and sent him on his way. Then came Dewy. And if I didn't know better I swear Tucker was telling her to RUN!! Because as soon as I picked her up she was
squirming and whining, which she never does. So I give her to Travis and he is holding her and she is going crazy. We thought that she would be easier to do than Tucker, but we were really wrong. She hated it more than Tucker did. We finally got them both done and they were both mad at us for awhile, well until we gave them a treat and now we are their best friends again.