

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wrapping up May

May is almost over. Kind of hard to believe that there is a week left. Surprisingly it has gone pretty fast. Since Travis has been gone for most of it, I have found lots of things to keep me busy. The last week has been filled with baby nursery stuff! I love planning his room. I just can't get it done fast enough. Mom and I went Saturday to pick out the material for all his crib stuff. And I have to say I LOVE IT! I always wanted to do a monkey theme and we found the cutest fabric that has the colors I was thinking. It is perfect and I can't wait to show Travis.

I went to the doctor today. And I got to see Mason again. I have been blessed enough to see him everytime I go to the doctor. It started out as routine check up, then we did the down syndrome screening, and then I had to be checked for some minor problems that I had had. And now I go every 2 weeks and get to see him! Last time I went to the doctor they found that I had a low lying placenta, and had me come back today to check again. When I went today they checked my placenta again, and found that it is lower than they thought, so I actually have a partial previa. This isn't necessarly a horrible thing right now. If it doesn't get better I will have to have a c-section to deliver Mason. But my doctor is very optimistic that it will resolve itself very soon! Which was comforting knowing that she wasn't worried!

Mason is completly unaffected by all of this. He is growing prefectly. Weighing in at 6 oz and his heart rate was 157bpm. And finally decided he wanted to be moving around when they tried to get a peak at him. So much so that immediatly she said Yep he is a boy!! Although I have finally stopped losing weight, I haven't gained any. Which they doctor said that as long as Mason was growing right she didn't care.

I go back in 2 weeks. Which is my birthday! And other than my appointment I have no idea what I am going to do. Travis still won't be here, so I might just have to treat myself to something nice! We will just have to see!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's a.......

wonderful little BOY!! Mason Travis finally corperated and allowed me a very good look! It never gets old seeing your little one moving around on the ultrasound. But the excitement of finding out the gender is so exciting. I wasn't sure how I would react, because I didn't really have an opinion one way or another and I didn't really care. I just wanted to know! But when she said that is definatly a boy I was so excited. I couldn't wait to tell Travis. So I started calling/texting him as soon as she said it! He is more excited than I think I have ever seen him which makes this even more wonderful. I can't wait to meet my little boy!

This isn't one of the best pictures that we got, but I love him with his mouth open. Some one said that he looks like he is snoring, which would be just like his daddy!

This is also my 16 week post, because thats when I found out. As you can tell everything is going very well! I go back to the regular doctor next week to do another regular ultrasound to check the placenta and normal check up stuff! So stay tuned!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Travis leaving for Cali

He is out of here, and on his way to California. Of course, I wish he didn't have to go, but I am trying to stay positive. So I keep reminding myself that the soon we get started the sooner he comes home! One day down, a bunch left to go! Please be praying for him and the rest of the guys!

Putting baby furniture together!

Travis' going away party

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What a day,

It was a big day here. The most exciting part is the that I am 14 weeks today. I don't feel like much has changed since last week. I might be slightly bigger, but considering I don't measure there really no way to know if I am! I am still sick occasionly. But I know it could be a lot worse, so I count my blessings. I am so excited that next week I go back to the doctor. It won't be a big appointment just a normal check up, but I hear I get to hear the baby's heartbeat which is going to be great!!

The second and not so good part is that Travis left today. This isn't the big, going to Afghanistan leave yet, but he will be gone for 2 months and then will hopefully get to return home for a few days before he goes to the giant sand box. But it is still sad none the less. Like I told him, I know I will probably get to see him 1 more time, it still sucks! My dear friend Whitney drove all the way done here, and took lots and lots of pictures. Which I will post them later.

Please be praying for Travis and all the Marines as they are traveling and training in the next couple of months. And don't forget their families who are left at home!