

Friday, August 29, 2008

Stress,a phone call, and my girls night

Ok, so I have made it through my first week of school. Not without it's share of stresses, but over none the last. I have been stressed lately because of school. I go to school 3 days a week, fixing to start clinicals on the 4th day of the week. Leaving 1 day during the week, in which I work. And I work one day one the weekend, leaving Sunday's as my only day off!! So as you can tell I am a busy women. The dogs and I are trying to get into a new routine. We had a pretty good one since Travis left, but that to has changed since school started. I just keep telling myself that I just have to get through this semester and part of next and then I will be getting some "live in" help, in the form of my husband!!

Speaking of which, I actually got to talk to him this week!! It was so exciting to hear his voice on the other end of the phone. It had been awhile since I had to talk to him. So it was a nice surprise. He is doing well, and seems to be staying busy (obviously!!). He thanks you all for all the thoughts and prayers. And said to tell everyone hello.

So as treat for myself on making through the week, and with some encouragement from my husband to do something for myself, and my sister for giving me the idea. I am spending the night doing fun girly things. I have ordered pizza and cinnamon sticks (I caved Brandi) and plan to watch a girly movie, and possibly even get a bubble bath, but let's not push it. So excuse me while I go and enjoy myself!!

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