

Friday, October 3, 2008

50 years- to life

That could possibly be the sentence a judge would hand me if my day doesn't seem to get some sort of ray of hope soon. Why you ask? Because I have had "one of those days"! It started out fine. I got up had plenty of time to take care of the dogs and get ready. I even arrived early to school, were as I usually arrive just in time for class to start! It was a long day at school. We usually get out a little early but not today. We spent 1 1/2 hours doing drug dosing math equations in Pharmacology, and then 3 hours talking about wounds in Foundations to Nursing! So nothing bad, just a long day. So I am tired when I get home I have to pee (sorry I don't know how else to put it) so bad since I couldn't go during class, that all I want to do is go use the bathroom. Well, I walk in to the bathroom and there is water on the floor and the toilet is backed up. We have never had this problem before so of course I am unprepared and don't have a plunger. But I figured it was no big deal I would just call maintenance and they would come fix it for me. At our last place if you had 1 toilet and it had a problem then it was considered an emergency and they would come fix it immediately. Well, apparently that isn't how it works here. 2 hours later I still haven't peed and their isn't anyone here to fix it. I am mad at this point as I think to myself that I could have just gone and gotten a plunger then I could have fixed it myself. And that is exactly what I did. I called the office again and told them that I was going to fix it myself. So 15 mins later, I had run to the convince store down the road, gotten a plunger, gotten then mail, fixed my toilet, and peed!

But to understand just why I am so mad you have to know what went on during this time I decided to check and see if my financial aid stuff had finally gone through for school. And for those of you who don't know I go to Roane State who recently has gotten some bad press concerning there financial aid department and how slow they have become in getting everything done. Well, once again mine hadn't been done. So I decided to call them. I have done this before and each time they tell me that they are working on it and it should be done soon. Well, today I call and the lady she informs me that the reason that they haven't finished it is because they don't have a copy of Travis's signed tax return form. Hello......why haven't I heard about this before! She proceeds to tell me that they sent me an email and/or a post card on Sept. 18 that told me that. I told her that I didn't have it. Me and Travis didn't file our taxes together because we weren't married yet. But my FAFSA form had both of our information on it. Back in August they sent me a letter that said that they needed my tax return form. So I sent it to them, but they never said anything about his. I also told her that he was in Iraq and that I didn't know where it would be. And you know what she told me to do. "Ask him" is what she says. I didn't know what to say. Ask him, when would she like me to ask him. I don't talk to him on a regular bases, and when I do talk to him I have trouble remembering all the things that I want to talk to him about. That isn't at the top of my priority list! I just don't understand the federal government approved me for this money why can't my stupid school? Needless to say I am going to be writing the president of the school and let him know what is going on!

Once again, just another example of the things that can go wrong when your husband is away!

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