

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Heart Felt Thank You

As all you know Travis is in Iraq, and has been since July. Since he left I have had many people tell me to tell him thank you for all he is doing, and they also thank me for being his wife and standing beside him. But this guy, he is different.

About a month or so ago a guy came into my work and saw my Hero Bracelet and asked me about it. I told him what it was and what it meant to me. He was so nice and talked to me for awhile about Travis, and he even asked me how I was doing. Turns out that he was a retired Marine that fought in the Gulf War. He thanked me and told me to pass it on to my husband, and promised to pray for us both. Many people tell me to tell Travis thank you when I talk to him. I always do, but it is hard to always remember who says it. It is always so sweet and thoughtful for people to say it. But I never really thought about the people who go home and really pray for us.

Today I was getting ready to leave work when this guy and his wife walk in. I don't recognize him. I begin to walk away when all the sudden he asks me how my husband is doing and if I had talked to him lately. At first I was shocked! Who is this guy and how does he know about my husband? Then it hits me. This is the same guy from a month ago! I couldn't believe that he remembered me and Travis! I begin to tell him how Travis is doing and about them all.

I know that this shouldn't surprise me like it did. But I was just really touched by this guy. They really supported us. His wife had just come from the emergency room, and said if it weren't for my husband and people like him she wouldn't have had the freedom to go to the emergency room. They were really sincere. The man told me that they couldn't remember Travis's name so they had just been praying for "the combat engineer marine"! Their support and dedication to praying for us even though they really didn't know me and definetly had never met Travis was something that really touched my heart.

I know that this isn't as big of a deal to you all. But I wanted to share it with you all anyway. I know that we can all use a reminder about all the people out there that support our troops, especially with the looming election.

So remember to pray for all the troops, and especially this new president! We may really need it!

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