

Sunday, February 1, 2009

February has arrived!

This month excites me to no end. You all have no idea how exciting February is for me. I have so much going on this month. In a couple of weeks I am going to the Mountains for the weekend with a couple of friends to have a mini vacation, of sorts. Then all of my friends that have some one deployed and I are getting together for our monthly dinner. We are really hoping that this will be our last. And then the big homecoming that we are hoping for. At least we are still hoping that it happens this month. Oh, I forgot there is my brothers birthday, and his birthday party. See, there is just so much that I can't keep it all straight! But I am trying. I plan to fix my calender on the wall so that I won't forget anything.

Next month is going to be so exciting as well. Our 1st anniversary and our trip to Disney!!!! This has got to be the most excited I have been this entire deployment!! I am going to try really hard and remember to take pictures so that you all can see all the fun of February!!!

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