

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Brandi recently sent all of us left here in the states our very own chopsticks from Japan! So we thought that we should eat a meal with them. It was defiantly an in interesting meal! I don't think it has actually taken us that long to eat dinner. But here are some pictures of us eating last night.

Me and Dad eating out of the bowel with our chopsticks, I had learned (sort of) how to use them by now!

Mom she was pretty good at it!

Travis, he cheated he already knew how to use them

Dad, I can't remember for sure, but either him or Kyle was the first to give up and use a fork!

Kyle, well he just speaks for himself

Me, this was the first time I used them. I was so excited that I actually did it.

We had so much fun trying to use them. I did learn one thing, never use a plate always use a bowl!! Thanks Brandi for sending them to us.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Glad that you enjoyed them! I love the pictures... I am going to plaster them all around my house, so I can have a good laugh anytime I need to! Love ya... and watch for pics of my latest Japanese adventure I had today!