

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


is so crazy right now! I know that I told you that I had pictures to post. But to be honest with you. I can't find the camera! In our attempts to pack the things that we don't need until we move, I seem to have missed placed the camera. I know that I will find it while I am unpacking boxes next weekend, so you are going to have to wait until then.

I know posts have been really slow these last few weeks. But if you could see my apartment you would know why! The boxes have over taken a very large portion of our very small apartment!
Travis is so tired of walking around boxes. But we only have a week left. I am so excited about finally getting to move, so we can have some more space. But I have been reminiscing (maybe to much) about this apartment.

This apartment has seen us through alot in the year or so that we have lived in it. Really I guess it has seen me through more than Travis but still. Although this is not our first apartment, it was were a lot of first happened! We managed to make it through our first deployment with flying colors! This is were I spent our first Thanksgiving and Christmas as a married couple. Were I turned 19. Our first anniversary (a big one!) Alot of fun things happened here as well, the main thing is the painting that me and Brandi got to do. The first and only apartment that I painted. And it was made all the more fun with the help of Brandi!

I know I am being maybe a little to sentimental about this apartment, especially since we are choosing to move, but it is still sort of sad to see it all change. Especially when every thing else in our lives seems to be changing on a daily bases. But I know that this new apartment will hold a new first and fun things.

I will try to update more often, but I make no promise with us moving and such. But you will be among the first to know when we do have something to update you on.

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