

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New couch and total boredom!

I am so excited!!! Our new couch arrived this morning. When we bought it they told us that they couldn't give us a specific time that it would be delivered, because Saturday's are so busy. Which was ok with me, because I knew I had nothing that I had to do today. Well a few days ago, they called to confirm the delivery date, and told me that it would be sometime between 8 and 12. Go figure. I just knew it was going to be 12 before they even got here. Well I was completely wrong. I was woken up this morning by phone ringing. It was 7:30. I had planned on getting up at 8 to get showered, dressed, and finish cleaning up. But that didn't work out so well. My phone was ringing, and I didn't recognize the number. I usually don't answer it if I don't know the number, but I guess in the state if confusion that I was in, I answered it. I couldn't understand them really well, the phone was cutting in and out, and they were Jamaican. But I understood that they would be at my place in 10 mins! I quickly got up and got dressed and moved the rest of the stuff out of the way for them to bring the couch in. We sure enough they were there very promptly! It was very interesting to see them try and bring it down the flight of stairs. They had to give up their mocho attitude and take it to the back porch and bring it straight into the living room that way. It was kind of funny. But now it is here and I love the way it looks. It is everything that I had hoped for. The only thing is I don't remember it sitting in it and being this far off the ground. When I sit all the way to the back, I can't touch the ground, I have several inches to go before I am even close! I guess that is what I get for being short.

But there is one funny story about the delivery guys that I must share with everyone. So once they finally got it in the room and set it up. They handed me the thing to sign, and he asked to go to the bathroom. I did obviously thing it was weird that he was thinking. I thought there was a rule against it or something. Well, still being sleepy, I said sure. I really didn't care. He was nice, took care of his business and left. Well when they were done and gone, I decided that it was time for my shower. Well I got it and was going to dry my hair. So I am standing in front of my mirror and reach down to grab my comb and it isn't there. Ok, so let's think about this. It never goes anywhere. I am the only one who uses it, and I leave it on the counter every time I am done. So I go on a total search of my house, and it is no where to be found. And I know, just know (obviously I could be wrong!) that that delivery man stole my comb!!!!!! It was there yesterday and not today, and he is the only one that has been in my house other than me! He stole my comb. Who steals combs. Really, I am not mad, partly cause I can't prove he actually did it, and partly because I think it is hilarious! It's just weird to think that he has my comb. LOL!!!!!!!!

Now for the total boredom part! I guess it is really self explanatory, I am bored. I forgot how quite and boring it is here by my self. And today is the 3rd day of Travis being gone. And I am pretty sure that I am going insane. I find that the longer he is away the more I talk to the dog! And let me tell you she is not a good conversationalist she usually just stands there and stares at me! Oh well. Actually today has been more eventful then last 2. Thanks to my mom, she has kept me entertained. We have already gone shopping and had lunch, and are going to to go to a movie soon. Thank goodness for moms, they rock. But this is good for you all, it means that I blog more than usual! Two days in a row I am doing pretty good.

Well I hope that your alls weekend is less boring than mine, but only in good ways. Oh, and I do have pictures to post, but I can't find the cord to the camera, got to wait till Travis gets home, so he can tell me where he hid it! Have a good weekend. GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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