

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Snow Snow!

I just can't believe it. It has snowed again! If you have ever lived here you know that we don't usually get much snow. I mean occasionally we will get 1 maybe 2 good snows which allow schools to get be cancelled for the day. And by good I mean maybe an inch. I know for you northern people are like "an inch isn't that just a dusting" well here for that the entire town shuts down. Well, already since the beginning of December we have had 5 snows. Count them 5!!!! And this last one brought us around 3 inches! I recently said that I don't think that I have ever seen a season that brought snow this many times. I love it!!! Don't get me wrong it is freezing and I hate being cold, but it is pretty to look at! Pictures to come!

1 comment:

Crazy Love said...

You are getting way more snow then us here in CO!!! How are you doing? I love the pic at the top of your is soo cute!