

Thursday, February 10, 2011


So when training for a marathon a runner must work for a long time to build up to where they want to be. Well, I have begun training! Ok, ok not for a marathon... me running that's funny! But for deployment. I am spending the weekend alone, and I am using this to get into the habit of Travis being gone! There are so many things that I want to do that I just don't know where to begin. I mean there are chick flicks, shopping, good wine, good chocolate, decorating, oh man the list goes on and on!!! But of course there are the normal everyday things to, but those are to boring to list! So let's see tonight, I went to work and now I am posting this and then I have the food pantry and church tonight and then I am thinking American idol and then whatever other girl shows that I can find on TV that Travis' won't watch with me!! And I can't wait! Well all right that's really all I have for now, I was just excited and wanted to share!

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