

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

10 weeks!

Well another week down, and 30 more to go! Wow, that sounds like a lot, but I guess I found out over a month ago and that time has flown by. Well anyway, I am so excited to be 10 weeks. In my mind it doesn't seem to be a big milestone, but it's still exciting. Since my last post at 8 weeks not a lot has changed. I am however excited, but timid, to say that I think the morning sickness is subsiding. With the exception of this morning I have been feeling much better! Morning sickness has been replaced by sleepiness, but as I told some one the other day: I like to sleep so that's ok with me!

My sister has begun to spoil me! I have received another present. Apparently she decided to send something once a month. And this month, was super cute soother and an absolutely adorable pacifier holder and tummy butter stuff that helps with stretch marks! Last month was 2 pregnancy/child books. I don't know what I would do with out her! She is the best!

Me and mom spend pretty much every weekend at consignment sales. We love shopping in the girl sections now that miss Abbie is here. They are just so cute. Travis and I are hoping to find out what the baby is next month, a little earlier than the doctor usually does it, but we are going to go have a 4d ultrasound done in hopes of seeing earlier! Keep your fingers crossed.

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