Ok, I am back with so much to share. As most of you know Travis came home for a week before they got shipped out to Iraq. He came home Sunday. Although it was suppose to be earlier in the day he didn't get in until late. The airline kept delaying there flights, and even canceled one of them so about 25 guys decided to rent cars and drive from Atlanta! Luckily he got to drive in so got here earlier than the other half did. But of course we had to go back to the airport to pick up his bag along with 20 other sea bags. So we go back up there at 11:00 p.m. to pick them up. And in all the confusion and delaying of flights the airline lost 18 bags!!! These bags had everything that these guys needed to deploy to Iraq. So we spent the next hour arguing with the airline lady, and trying to get her to let us file claims for the rest. We went around forever, but she wouldn't let us. She kept telling us that all we could do is call some 1-800 number. So Travis is pissed and we leave. I drive while Travis calls this number. It is 1 o'clock in the morning and he talks to 2 foreign people that he can't understand, they are rude, and are absolutely no help what so ever. So we are almost home (it takes 30 mins to get home) when he finally tells the lady that he wants to talk to the person in charge. So after being put on hold he finally talks to an American who actually helps him out. She was so nice and helped us a lot. So we finally get to go to bed at 2 am!! I have to admit that I was worried, what if this is how the entire week goes? Luckily it got better......
Monday was spent hanging out and lounging around. The only thing that we did was go and pick up his bag that was lost! It was such a relaxing day. It became our movie and pizza night. To bad we fell asleep early on the couch! Oh, well...
Tuesday we decided to go to Dollywood's Splash Country! We always go to Dollywood but we thought that it would be fun to do some water stuff since it so hot here. We floated in the lazy river. And rafted down the Big Bear Plunge! It was so much fun, but we didn't get any pictures, sorry. Thanks to my friend Mary Beth for watching the dogs so that we could go and have a fun day!
Wednesday we went and had lunch with my grandparents. Later that night we went and saw the "Hancock" movie. I would recommend it if anyone is wanting to go and see a movie.
Thursday we had dinner at my parents house. On the way there Travis informs me that he wants me to have a hand gun while he is gone. So we start talking about it and he actually convinced me that it was a good idea. Dad, mom, Kyle, Travis, and me all loaded up and went to Gander Mountain to pick one out. I was hesitant as to if we would actually find one that I liked but I did! And we bought it. Thanks Mom and Dad for helping us out! And I have to admit it is kind of nice to know that I have a way to protect myself if need be.
Friday was yet another uneventful day. We really just went out to dinner (the picture above), and went swimming at the pool. We had a fun at dinner, but I have to say that it was some of the worst service I have ever received. But we still managed to have fun any way.
Saturday started out early. Travis left Knoxville early that morning so that meant we had to be up there even earlier that. But with my families help we got him off to Camp Lejuene safe. That is when the craziness started. I had plans to go up and see him the following Tuesday and stay through Saturday or Sunday. But about a 30 mins to and hour later I got a text message from Travis that says that they are leaving alot sooner than they thought and could I come up that day instead of waiting. So I frantically start trying to move my reservations, which the hotel was wonderful about. And I have to say that I was pretty proud of myself. I got myself and the dogs packed up, ran a couple of errands, got my pay check from work, got my mom to fix Travis's cammies, and hit the road in 2 hours!! I drove all the way up there that night. Of course what would it have been with out some problems. I hit some bad rain and of the GPS decided it's battery was almost dead! But we made it. Travis got to spend alot of time with us while we were up there. The latest he ever worked was 4:30. And he never had to be back until 7:30 the next morning. I was so glad that we went up early. Thursday morning we packed up and headed off to base. We finally said our last goodbyes and sent him off to finish this tour of duty once and for all. There were tears, but I have to say that I handled it pretty well, even if I do say so myself. The dogs really wanted to go with him they love playing with him. We miss him so much already and have already begun the countdown until he gets to come home and stay.
Thank you all for all the help and support. I appreciate it so much. Especially my family I love you guys so much. I can't do this with out you!
Please keep Travis and the rest of the Delta Company Marines in your prayers. We love you guys and can't wait to see you again. Be safe. I love you Travis
1 comment:
Hi Sweetie!
Thanks for letting me see your blog. Wow, what a time you've had. You make me laugh, even when you're describing something bad. I continue to keep you both in my prayers and Travis is on the prayer chain at church and his name is spoken every Sunday in the service by the prayer person. Please thank him for us, for protecting us and let him know we love him! Hugs to you and the doggies, thank goodness you have them and your folks.
Love you,
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